Treasure Chest

Players can obtain Treasure Chest Fragments through combat, and once they are accumulated to a certain number, the Treasure Chest Fragments can be combined into a Treasure Chest, which is the source of all game items. Treasure Chest can be purchased and sold in the blockchain market place. The Treasure Chest contains the following game items or assets: Character Fragments, Star Rating Upgrade Items, Experience Potions, Strength Recovery Potions, Equipment, and Equipment Upgrade Items.

Character Fragments

You can obtain a hero randomly by combining a certain number of Characters Fragments

Star Rating Upgrade Items

You can use the Star Rating Upgrade Items to increase a hero's star rating, and hence increase the number of hero skills.

Experience Potion

Provide upgrade experiences for heroes with different star ratings

Strength Recovery Potion

PVE combat consumes physical strength. Using the Strength Recovery Potion can increase the times of your participation in PVE every day.


Enhance a Hero's Overall Combat Ability

Equipment Upgrade Items

Upgrade Equipment Level

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